Central Store Officially Opened!

About Us

Founded in Prince Edward Hong Kong in 2007, One Dim Sum has endevaoured to provide the best dimsum, connecting people from all over the world. We provide authentic contonese dimsum in a trendy set up. We have gained international recogniztion over the years of experience, such as 2 years Michellin 1 star & 1 Year Gourment Beman.

“Bringing Happiness with the best dim-sum” – owner Kevin Yeung
One Dim Sum is founded with one dream and only one dream in mind – the pursuit of the best cantonese dimsum. Thankfully, since day 1, we havd gained supports globally. Number of our international customers travelled all the way from Asia, Europe, US and many different parts of the world to taste our dimsum. Our hear becomes ONE through the dim sum we all in love with!